If you're selling in multiple currencies you're able to keep track of these and have your revenue reports reflect whichever currency you choose as your base currency.
Adding Currencies
Getting this set up is quick and simple:
Hover over your avatar in the bottom left corner and go to "Settings"
βLook for the header called "Currencies" and then you will see two options:
βAdd Currency: when you click on this button, a long list of currencies will appear, simply select the currency that you would like to add.
βUse Historical FXrates: if this option is set to "Yes" then you will access historical monthly FXrates. If set to "No", you will only access the latest ratings that have been set by Planhat, for the last month. If you set it to "No", and manually input rates, these will not be replaced by Planhat's rate import. The same is true when Historical FXrates is enabled - if you manually set the rate for some past month, this will not be over-written by import.
Once you have added all of your currencies, you can set the base currency by hovering over the currency and clicking on the "B" icon.
π Quick tip: you don't need to enter the rate when you're setting your base currency because we set the rate to "1" by default.
Setting Up Historical Exchange Rates
Every Wednesday at 12:05 PM UTC we update our FXrates from APILayer. You can turn the "Use Historical FXrates" settings on, and import historical FX rates for each past month - you can also set these historical rates manually, and they won't be overwritten by import. On the other hand, you can disable Historical FXrates, meaning that you can either import fresh rates which will be applied to your Licenses and values across time, or you can manually set these rates.
Default Rates
If you have historical FX rates enabled, default rates will only be applied to licenses starting in the future, where we don't yet have an fx-rate that we can apply.
If you manually alter the default rates, this value will be applied consistently, and won't be updated.
Where to Set the Currency for Licenses
The currency rates section of your settings impacts all of your licenses. If you are using historical FXrates, any Licenses will utilise the latest monthly rate logged before the start date of the License. The same rate will be applied to the entirety of the license. If not using historical FXrates, the rates imported via API or set manually, will be applied universally to all licenses.
If you're updating/adding subscription data, you will be able to do so when you're adding the license for the first time. You can also update the license after it has been created from the company profile > "Revenue" tab or on the "Data" module > "Licenses" page.
Revenue data can also be sent over the API. Just be sure to specify the currency code when sending it in so that Planhat can make sure to calculate appropriately.
If you're sending in subscription data from Salesforce, make sure you set the base currency in the integration settings as the same one that you have in Salesforce.
How Currency is Calculated
(X) Currency Value * Exchange Rate = Base Currency
Here is an example, there is a license with the amount of 500 EUR but we need to convert the data back to the base of USD. The exchange rate in our example will be 1.09 and the Base Value USD will be $545.
500 EUR * 1.09 = 545 USD