A Full-Page Profile is a fantastic way to get a 360-degree view of each individual customer/prospect
In a Full-Page Profile, you can view key fields, associated records, usage data, planned and logged activities, and more
You can customize the layout Company Full-Page Profiles via Custom Templates
A Preview is an alternative view that's more concise/condensed
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One of the fundamental principles of Planhat is that all your customer/prospect data is together in one place. No more silos, no more wasting time having to check multiple tools, and no more being unable to find the data you need.
As well as understanding your customer/prospect portfolio as a whole, sometimes you want to zoom into one specific customer/prospect to gain a complete understanding of them, viewing all the important related data. This is a Full-Page Profile. It's available for the Company and End User models, and for the Company model you can even design Custom Profile Templates with criteria to apply the appropriate layout for each scenario.
As well as field data and Health Scores, in a Full-Page Profile you can see Workflow progress, usage data, upcoming meetings, emails, tickets, contracts, subscriptions and more - so much information at your fingertips!
π Important to note
Previews are a similar concept, but are more condensed displays of data for a record. They are also available for more models than Full-Page Profiles. For more on Previews, see here.
What are Full-Page Profiles?
Full-Page Profiles are available for the Company and End User data models. They are full-screen displays showing a wide variety of data concerning that Company or End User record, all compiled together in one place. You may hear a Company Profile referred to as a "Customer 360", because they give you a full 360-degree view of a specific customer.
Here is an example of a Company Full-Page Profile:
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And this is an example of an End User Full-Page Profile:
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For Company Full-Page Profiles, you can design Custom Profile Templates: that is, design different layouts for Company Profiles, showing your choice of data in your choice of order. You can set different criteria (rules/conditions) for these different Custom Company Profile Templates, so they are automatically applied at the appropriate time.
π Important to note
As well as the Company and End User models, both of which represent customers, Full-Page Profiles are also available for the User model, which represents Planhat Users, i.e. you and your colleagues. The information displayed is different than that for customers (it's where you manage your personal email sync and notification settings, for example), and the layout is not customizable. You can access your own Profile via your name in the top-right of your Planhat tenant.
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Why use Full-Page Profiles?
Customers are front and center in Planhat - you use Planhat to gain, retain and grow your customer base. Planhat is your "source of truth" for all customer data, as this is where you'll find CRM data, revenue data (Licenses, Sales and Invoices), Conversation data (including emails, tickets and meetings etc.), Metric data (time-series product usage data), and more.
While in Pages and Data Explorer you may be viewing data related to multiple Companies or End Users at once, Full-Page Profiles are your go-to when looking at one specific customer - one Company or one End User.
Being able to design Custom Templates (layouts) for your Company Full-Page Profiles is so useful too. This means that you could easily have one Custom Profile Template that's applied to Companies in the Onboarding Phase, and then after Onboarding, apply different Custom Profile Templates for Enterprise, Mid-Market and SMB Companies, and also have a different Custom Profile Template if the viewer (Planhat User) is in the senior leadership team - you get the idea. We talk more about how to design and apply Custom Profile Templates in separate documentation, here.
Key features of typical Company Full-Page Profiles
As we said above, you can customize the layouts of Company Profiles, but here we will talk through the main elements of a typical Company Profile.
Fields are shown in the left-hand sidebar of the Company Profile.
The fields that are shown here are defined by the Field Groups you set for the Profile - you can learn all about Field Groups our separate article, here. Featured Field Groups are displayed as standard (like "Lifecycle Info" and "Revenue Info" above), whereas non-featured Field Groups are hidden under the "+ Show full list" (as shown at the bottom of the screenshot above), meaning they are still easily accessible, but don't clutter up the display if they are not necessary.
There's a handy search box at the top - just click the magnifying glass symbol - which makes it really easy to find a field if you are still displaying a lot here.
Underneath the Fields section, you'll typically position Workflows.
Workflows are series of connected actions (tasks and/or emails). You can read more about Workflows here.
In a Company Profile, you can see any Workflows applied either directly to the Company or to End Users at that Company. You can use the filter symbol to swap between showing all Workflows, just active ones, or just archived ones.
You can see at a glance the progress that's been made through the Workflow steps (the orange bar), and click into a Workflow to view it in detail.
Another key section in the left-hand sidebar is Attachments. This is great for storing uploaded documents such as contracts.
At the top of the right-hand side of Company Profiles, you'll see a series of tabs. Like the other parts of Company Profiles, you can customize which tabs are shown here via Custom Profile Templates.
Click the image to view it enlarged
Common tabs include:
"Overview" is the main view, as shown in the screenshot above
"Revenue" displays Licenses, Sales (non-recurring revenue) and Invoices
You can have tabs for different models, for related records - so, for example, in the End Users tab, you will see all the End Users associated with the Company
You can also display Custom Profile Pages here, which we discuss in a separate article, here
Success Units
At the top of the Overview tab, you can see Success Units.
Success Units are "traffic light" (red, amber and green) indicators of how your customers are using your products. For an overview of Success Units, see here.
In the context of Company Profiles, Success Units are displayed like in the screenshot below: wide, so you can display fairly long names. You can put your mouse over a Success Unit to see it highlighted, and see the description in a tooltip, as shown below.
Usage data
In this part of the Overview tab, you can view a summary of usage data associated with that Company.
There is also a separate Usage tab with additional detail/charts.
Planned and logged activities
At the bottom of the Overview tab in Company Profiles, you'll see planned and logged activities.
"Planned" section
Planned activities are activities due to happen in the future (e.g. a QBR scheduled for a week's time). The Planhat model for this is "Task"
In upgraded Planhat (, scheduled emails, and emails blocked by error, are also shown in the "Planned" section (in their own sub-tab), making it clear that these emails haven't been sent yet
"Activities" section
Logged activities are activities that have already happened (e.g. a QBR you completed today, or an email that's been sent/received)
The Planhat model for this is "Conversation"
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If you encounter any errors related to sending emails, these are surfaced, so you can understand any issues and resolve them. Simply put your mouse over the red error icon to see details in a tooltip.
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π Tip
You can view and manage your Planhat tenant's outgoing emails (i.e. for multiple Companies at once) in the Email Manager.
There are lots of quick filtering options available for planned activities (specifically the Tasks tab) and logged activities. Click on the filter icon to see the options. It's really easy to apply granular filters to find the information you're looking for.
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Additional resources
For an overview of searching your logged activities / Conversations (notes and emails), check out our tutorial here.
Tutorials are also available in-app - just click on the "Help" (question mark) icon and then "How-to Library".