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Configuring which Preview/Profile Template is applied
Configuring which Preview/Profile Template is applied

How to determine which layout is used, via criteria (conditions) and positioning

Carly Hammond avatar
Written by Carly Hammond
Updated over 3 months ago


  • When you're designing a custom Preview/Profile layout (Template) for a model (e.g. Company), you set criteria that define when it's applied to a record

  • The criteria can refer to the model itself (e.g. when Company Phase is equal to Onboarding), or to the Planhat User viewing the record (e.g. for Salespeople)

  • You also use the order of Profile Templates in a list to determine which should be applied, if the criteria for multiple Templates are met

  • All of this means that the perfect customized layout is automatically used whenever a record (e.g. a Company, such as Amazon) is viewed in Planhat

Who is this article for?

  • This article is particularly relevant to Planhat builders/admins who configure their tenant for their team (e.g. CS Ops)

Article contents


This is a technical deep-dive article

Read on if you'd like to learn about setting criteria for Profile Templates - layouts for Previews and Full-Page Profiles.

If you'd like an introduction to the general topic of Profiles/Previews, please refer to our main article here for an overview of the key points.

Custom Preview/Profile Templates enable you customize the layout of data when you're viewing an individual record (e.g. the Company GSK, or the End User David Attenborough). An example of a Company Full-Page Profile is shown below.

Click the image to view it enlarged

In separate articles, we talk you through designing Preview layouts and Full-Page Profile layouts, including setting up Field Groups, and in this article you'll learn how to set the criteria (rules) that determine which layout applies in any scenario.

For each data model, you could create a variety different templated layouts - which you can think of as "model variants" - with assignment criteria based on:

  • A property of the model - e.g. for the Company model, it could be:

    • SMB v. Enterprise Companies

    • Companies in Onboarding v. other Phases

    • Companies that have churned v. current Companies

    • Prospects. v. paying customers

    For Templates of each other model - e.g. End User, or Opportunity, or Workflow - your criteria would be based on properties of that model. For instance, taking the Workflow model, you could have rules for Workflow Type (Sequence or Project), the model the Workflow targets (Company or End User), the name of the Workflow (e.g. Enterprise Onboarding), and so on.

  • A property of the viewer (Planhat User - you and your colleagues) - for example:

    • Sales v. Customer Success

    • Senior Leadership (e.g. C-suite) v. general staff members

    • Planhat admin/builder (e.g. yourself while testing the Templates)

This functionality is super powerful! It's a fantastic way to show just the most relevant data in each case, saving you time and making it even easier to take data-driven action. It's just one of the features allowing you to personalize Planhat to meet your needs.

πŸ“Œ Important to note:

On the Company model, you configure both a custom Preview layout and a custom Full-Page Profile layout as part of each single Profile Template. Any criteria you set (as well as Field Groups you configure) apply to both.

How to set up criteria

These criteria are part of configuring Preview Templates and Full-Page Profile Templates. You can click on those links to learn more about how to design the actual layouts for records. In this article, we will focus specifically on setting the criteria.

You configure this in the "Data" Global Tool for admins. You'll see "Data" as its own icon in the top left of the gray bar (at the top of your tenant) if you have pinned it, or otherwise you can access it via the ellipsis.

  1. Firstly, select the model you want using the column on the left-hand side, and then click on the "Profile" tab

    Click the image to view it enlarged

  2. You'll see a list of Profile Templates. This may be simply the Default Profile, or also additional Custom Profile Templates if they have been created for that model in your tenant

    • Either click on the name of an existing Profile Template to edit it,

    • or click "+ New Profile" if you would like to create a new Profile Template

  3. Either way, this will open up a modal. Ensure the "Criteria" tab is selected. Before you set any criteria/conditions, it will look like this:

    πŸ“Œ Important to note: The "Default Profile" for each data model does not have a "Criteria" tab.

  4. Under "Match Conditions", click "+ Rule" for either User (you and your colleagues), or the model the Template is for - so in the screenshot example above, it's Company

  5. Create your rule:

    • Choose a property (field) on the model from the first dropdown menu - e.g. this could be Teams or Roles for User, or Tier or Phase for Company, or Type or Name for Workflow, etc.

    • Select an operator, such as "Equal To", "Any Of", "More Than" and so on

    • Specify a value - this may be typed or selected from a dropdown menu, depending on the field type

  6. That's usually it! But if you would like to add an additional rule, either on the same model or the other (User or the model the Profile Template is for), then just click "+ Rule" again. Have a read through the details in the gray box below

πŸ“Œ Important to note

If you set up multiple rules within one of these sections, like in the example below (two rules applied to User), then these are applied on an "ANY" / "OR" basis, i.e. only one of these conditions need to be met in order for the Preview to be able to be applied.

However, if you set rules in both sections, like in the screenshot below - then these sections are applied on an "ALL" / "AND" basis, i.e. you'd need to match conditions on both the User and the Company for the Preview to be applied.

πŸš€ Tip

To remove a rule (set of criteria), simply click on the ellipsis symbol to its right, and select "Delete". You can also use the ellipsis symbol to duplicate rules, which can be useful if you want to build complex criteria consisting of multiple similar components.

Positioning your Profile Template

Once you've finished configuring all the tabs of your Profile Template - Criteria, Field Groups, Full Page and Preview as applicable - then press the orange "Save" button in the top right to close the modal.

To make sure your Profile Template is applied, you need to manually enable it via the toggle switch - so if it doesn't seem to be applying to records as you expected, always double check you have done this!

Then, as the text below the Profile Templates list describes (pictured below), in a scenario where the conditions for multiple Profile Templates are met (e.g. you have Company Profile Templates for Phase = Onboarding and for Tier = SMB, and you look at a Company that's both SMB and in Onboarding), then the first (top) Profile Template with met conditions will apply. (This is the same as how Health Profiles are applied.)

Therefore, you should position your Profile Templates in priority order. You can do this by clicking on the symbol of 6 dots to the left of a Profile Template name, and dragging and dropping it.

In the example screenshot here, "Onboarding" is higher up the list than "SMB Customers", so (if we ignore the other listed Profile Templates) an SMB Company would always have the "Onboarding" Profile Template applied while in Onboarding, and then once they moved out of that Phase and so no longer met those conditions, they would have the "SMB Customers" Profile Template applied.

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